Snaprock is a medium-sized city located in southern Aldrium. It is bordered on the east by South Cambria and on the west by Gayvrin’s Lake.


Recent Player Events

Diplomacy with the Orcs

The orcs, hobgoblins, and goblins have been pushed out from their mountain strongholds by giants who appear to be fleeing something further within. However, they faced immediate resistance from Snaprock once they descended into the plains below and had to take shelter in the nearby forest of South Cambria. This nearly escalated into a large conflict, but a group of adventurers stepped in to work out a peace treaty between the enemy factions.

Encroaching tribes of Slaad

A large tribe of Slaad have moved from deep within South Cambria to the edges of the forest near Snaprock and now pose a serious threat to travelers coming in and out of the region.

A forgotten cemetery

Nestled among the trees, a group of adventurers discovered a forgotten and overgrown cemetery that houses the slain vampire god Bleigusblonde and his followers. Despite his defeat many ages ago, some claim that Bleigusblonde is merely sleeping or biding his time until some future date.

Sadaru’s hunt for Pale Bill

Sadaru the Inquisitor is a bounty hunter who is currently on the hunt for the infamous serial killer Pale Bill. Sadaru claims that Pale Bill is in the region and recently murdered the entire Fastolm family in their farmhouse. Bhhazaba Torri believes there may be a connection between Pale Bill and the family.

This is definitely somebody's badger

A friendly badger was discovered by a group of adventurers and joined their party after being fed rations and dead wasps. It’s unclear where this badger came from and why it seems to be domesticated.


Snaprock currently appears in these adventures: